January 31, February 1 & February 2, 2020
Director: Simon Stranks
Producer: Rachel Hickey
The Cast
Robin Hood: Matthew Gibson
Maid Marion: Rachel Hickey
Nurse Molly Coddle: Mick Platt
Sheriff of Nottingham: John Rickatson
The Fairy: Rosemary Bartlett
"Dangerous" Dave Knave: Joy Feerick
Block: Joanna Holt
Tackle: Yvonne Owen
Friar Tuck: Martin Ayres
Little John: Mark Bracey
Will Scarlett: Foster Holt
Sheriff's Guard: Chris Witherington
Adult Chorus: Maggie Jeeves, Natalie Shearer, Beverley Weller
Alan A Dale: Harry Bracey
The Babes: Tom Gidley, Martha Hardie, Harrison Williams, Niamh Shattock
The Outlaws: George Bracey, Nathaniel Bottoms, Will Sparrey
Villagers: Elizabeth Coleman, Fiona Coleman, James Williams, Henry Wright
Spirits of the Forest: Hannah Carter, Josh Gidley, Ava Robinson, Mae Robinson
The Production Team
Musical Director: Rachel Hickey
Choreography: Katie Shattock
Set: Alan Moore, Paul Jarvis, Anita Jarvis, Matthew Gibson, Rachel Hickey, Mark Hedley
Lighting and Sound: Julian Sparrey, Paul Jarvis
Properties: Anita Jarvis
Costumes: Angela Ayres, Jennie Edwards, Anne Jarvis, Jane McBride
Front of House: Mark Thompson and Team
Bar: Martin Ayres, Mark Hedley, Simon Hardie, Simon Sadler
Box Office: Joanna Holt
The Band: Bill Meredith, Holly Wheeldon, Sue Thorn, Rick Parfitt
Musical Arrangements: Bill Meredith
Chaperones: Jo Bracey, Harriet Hardie, Katie Shattock, Tara Shattock
July 13 & July 14, 2019
Director: Angela Ayres
Producer: Rachel Hickey
The Cast
Lady Caroline Pentefract: Hilary Parks
Miss Hester Worsley: Suzanne Perkin
Sir John Pontefract: Alan Denton
Lady Hunstanton: Joanna Holt
Mr Gerald Arbuthnot: Matthew Gibson
Lady Stutfield: Kim Mawson-Scott
Mrs Allonby: Nuala Dagnan
Lord Illingworth: Mark Thompson
Mr Kelvil M.P: Simon Stranks
The Ven. Archdeacon Daubeny D.D: John Rickatson
Mrs Rachel Arbuthnot: Joy Feerick
Farquhar: Martin Ayres
Alice: Anita Jarvis
Maid at Hunstanton Hall: Rachel Hickey
The Production Team
Stage Management: Mick Platt
Light and Sound: Julian Sparrey
Set: Alan Moore, Mark Hedley, Paul Jarvis, Matthew Gibson
Properties: Rachel Hickey, Mick Platt
Costume: Mandy Reddick
Hair: Sally Robinson, Nuala Dagnan
Publicity: Alan Denton, John Rickatson
Front of House: Sharon Moore and Team
Raffle: Kim Canterford
Barbecue: Mark Hedley, Nicky Hedley, Paul Jarvis, Anita Jarvis, Alan Moore, Sharon Moore
Bar: Martin Ayres and Team
Box Office: Angela Ayres
July 13, July 14, 2019
Director: Harriet Hardie
November 9, November 10 & November 11, 2018
Director: Mark Hedley
Producer: Angela Ayres
The Cast
Martin Ayres
Rosemary Bartlett
Alan Denton
Joy Feerick
Matthew Gibson
Nicky Hedley
Rachel Hickey
Anita Jarvis
Maggie Jeeves
Yvonne Owen
Hilary Parks
John Rickatson
Simon Stranks
Des Thomas
Mark Thompson
Beverley Weller
Chris Witherington
Harry Bracey
William Sparrey
The Production Team
Musical Director: Mandy Reddick
Light, Sound & Effects: Julian Sparrey, Paul Jarvis, Pete Bradshaw, Mark Hedley
Stage Management: Joy Feerick, Anita Jarvis, Rachel Hickey
Set Build: Mark Hedley, Nicky Hedley, Paul Jarvis, Anita Jarvis, Alan Moore, Sharon Moore, Simon Stranks
Choreography: Caron Bradshaw
Properties: Alan Moore, Sharon Moore
Costumes: Caron Bradshaw, Simon Stranks
Print: Angela Ayres, Alan Denton, John Rickatson
Front of House: Joanna Holt, Jane Bourne, Phil Hammond, Diana Herbert, Foster Holt, Emma O'Dell, Elwyn Owen, Mick Platt, Victoria Sadler, Jane Urwin
Box Office: Angela Ayres
June 23, 2018
Director: Harriet hardie
June 8 & June 9, 2018
Director: Mick Platt
Producer: Rachel Hickey
The Cast
Inspector Richard Voss: Simon Stranks
Blocher: Helen Lo Iocano
Nurse Martha Boll: Kim Canterford
Herbert Georg Beutler (Sir Isaac Newton): Julian Sparrey
Doctor von Zahnd: Joanna Holt
Ernst Heinrich Ernesti (Prof Albert Einstein): Mark Bracey
Mrs Rose: Joy Feerick
Reverend Rose: Martin Ayres
Adolf-Friedrich / Murillo: Foster Holt
Martha-Elena / McArthur: Zara Parker
Klara-Claudia: Clara Lo Iocano
Johann Wilhelm Mobius: Mark Thompson
Nurse Monika Stettler: Sarah Vanstone-Howe
Uwe Sievers: Alan Moore
The Production Team
Stage Management: Gee Canterford
Set: Paul Jarvis, Anita Jarvis, Mark Hedley, Alan Moore, Matt Gibson, Simon Stranks, Joy Feerick, Rachel Hickey, Clara Lo Ioncano
Pyrotechnics: Mark Hedley
Light and Sound: Paul Jarvis, Julian Sparrey, Simon Stranks
Costumes: Mandy Reddick
Properties: Rachel Hickey
Publicity: Rachel Hickey
Box Office: Angela Ayres
Front of House: Anita Jarvis, Sharon Moore, Mandy Reddick, Jane Bourne, Lecy Robinson, Jennie Edwards, Chris Witherington
Raffle: Kim Canterford
Bar: Martin Ayres, Angela Ayres, Simon Sadler
November 16, November 17 & November 18, 2017
Director: Angela Ayres
Producer: Kim Canterford
The Cast
Beadsellers: Rosemary Bartlett, Nicky Hedley, Mandy Reddick
Porters: Des Thomas, Chris Witherington
Steward: Mark Hedley
Miss Helen Ffoliot-Ffoulkes: Anita Jarvis
Miss Christina Grant: Joy Feerick
Mr William Smith: Simon Stranks
Dr Bessner: Martin Ayres
Canon Ambrose Pennefather: John Rickatson
Louise: Nuala Goldsboro
Mrs Kay Mostyn: Rachel Hickey
Mr Simon Mostyn: Gee Canterford
Miss Jacqueline de Severac: Kim Canterford
Captain McNaught: Mark Thompson
The Production Team
Stage Management: Mick Platt
Light and Sound: Paul Jarvis, Julian Sparrey
Set Design: Alan "Boaty McBoatface" Moore
Set Build: Alan Moore, Sharon Moore, Gee Canterford, Paul Jarvis, Anita Jarvis, John Rickatson
Properties: Angela Ayres, Kim Canterford
Costumes: Joy Feerick and The Cast
Hair and Makeup: Nuala Goldsboro
Programme Ads: Simon Sadler
Front of House: Maggie Jeeves, Kath Bell, Mark Bracey, Alan Denton, Catherine Goodyear, Julian Goodyear, Anne Jarvis, Jane Marriott, Elwyn Owen, Yvonne Owen, Beryl Pengilley, Ivan Pullen, Beverley Weller
Catering: Jo Holt, Ruth Hammond, Marion Townsend, Sue Rickatson
Waiters: Phil Hammond and Team
Bar: Martin Ayres, Simon Sadler
Raffle: Kim Canterford